VVA Chapter #1069 held its annual Fishing party at the Sternadel pond on Saturday, June 3rd, 2018. We had a total attendance of 35+ members, spouses & guests.
As above photo shows, there was plenty of tent cover provided to protect folks from the hot sun while they were
fishing or just sitting around enjoying the opportunity to visit with each other. And believe me,
Above photo: Evan a blow-up jump house and several small swim pools were provided for the grandkids!
As a matter of fact, it was so
HOT ... How HOT was it you ask?
Well, it was so HOT that there was very little fishing activity during the day, by the adults or the grandkids!
Instead, there was much more visiting among the members and spouses, watching the grandkids enjoying the small swim pools and jump house,
and watching others take to the pond in kayaks so as to stay cool!
By the way, in the above photo, that's chapter members, Mike H. and George M. cruising around the pond and having a good time.
However, later in the day, several of our chapter members did catch a few catfish. Above photo shows Louis M. catching one of
Leonard's catfish.
Fortunately this year, because of the HOT weather that we knew was forecast for Sunday, we decided to change up the lunch
menu from our normal routine of catching, cleaning & frying the fish we would catch out of the pond during the day,
to instead cooking hamburgers and hotdogs. And it's a darn good thing we did, because there would have been no main course
(fish) for the evening meal at this party!
Above photo shows our Chapter VP, Frank K., doing the cooking for the evening meal. Much Thanks goes out to Frank for doing
the cooking & providing the nice flat-top grill, and to Mark P. for helping Frank with the grilling!
And much thanks to Scott Sternadel for grilling the hot dogs!
Above photo shows everyone gathering for the evening meal.
We'd like to thank Leonard & Dana for hosting the party and allowing us into their home, and as always, doing an outstanding job!
Leonard & Dana wanted to also thank all those who attended, despite the HEAT.
Also much thanks to all those that brought tables, chairs, pop-ups, and all those wonderful deserts and snacks!
We hope everyone had a fun afternoon, and that everyone got to know their fellow member Veteran (and spouse) a little bit better.
By the way, if you're a new chapter member, this is not the first fishing party that the Sternadels have hosted for our chapter membership.
Use the links below to see some photos from some of the other fishing parties, where we actually did reduce the catfish population in the pond
and did fry fish for the evening meal!