The annual "Catch-Clean-Fry-Eat" Catfish Fishing party was held at the Sternadel pond on Saturday, May 17th, 2014. We had a total attendance of 45+ members, spouses & guests. The weather could not have been any better. And although the fishing was a bit slower this year as compared to last year's party (maybe due to the cooler weather or wind), we had more more people fishing this time. By the late afternoon, we had a total of 59 catfish in the tub! And although we had purchased a 2-gallon bucket of Benny Robert's famous catfish punch-bait for the occasion, there was only about 1/4 bucket of the bait left by the end of the fishing day. Many thanks goes to chapter member, Frankie Laitkep, for his outstanding "Bait Master" duties during the entire afternoon! Frankie's main duty was to keep all hooks baited with the wonderful aromatic bait. In all, the party was a great success and everyone had a wonderful and fun afternoon.
The event provided a great opportunity for taking a wonderful Chapter group photo under the Pioneer Well Service tent - see below.
Leonard Sternadel, president of VVA Chapter #1069 of El Campo Texas, and the Chapter itself, would like to express thanks and appreciation to all the following folks and Chapter members who helped make the event a great success.
Many thanks to Dana Sternadel and Carolyn Milder for providing the pictures
shown below! Just so everyone knows, even someone with lots of computer experience (Bob Supak) can still be an idiot. I had taken
over a 100 pictures and a dozen video clips at the party, with the intention of creating a pretty nifty report. However, while
transferring all the pictures and videos from my cell phone to my computer, I accidently lost all of them. No need to explain the
details, but it was one gigantic stupid senior moment.
So, if anyone has some nifty pictures they took at the party, either please send me a few or bring them to our next chapter meeting.
I will then add them to this webpage at a later date.
Above photo - there was plenty of tent cover for everyone to sit under while fishing.
To have seen above chapter member, Frankie Laitkep and his protective "Bait Master" outfit, you would
think that there was something potent about the Benny Robert's catfish stink bait that we had purchased for the fishing event.
Ok, ok, maybe the bait was a bit overly pungent, however it seemed that the Sternadel catfish loved it! ALL 59 of them!
Again, much thanks to Frankie Laitkep for "volunteering" his services for the event, and even more thanks to his wife Gertrude for allowing
Frankie to become in such close contact with the potent bait. I would imagine that Frankie slept in the garage that Saturday night!
It was an absolutely beautiful day for fishing and camaraderie amongst Vietnam Veterans, their spouses and guests!
The above photo shows everyone gathering for the evening meal - Yummmm - fresh fried Sternadel-fed catfish!
YES - A great day of camaraderie for VVA Chapter 1069 members and spouses! Note the U.S. & VVA flag flying in the background.
Above photo - Carolyn and Louis Milder's grandaughter shows off the BIG catfish she caught.
There were over 45 chapter members, spouses & guests that attended the event!
The above photo shows VVA Chapter 1069 president, Leonard Sternadel, and chapter member, Harold Simmons. Harold is about to lead the attendees in a meal prayer. Note the large foil pans on the table - freshly fried catfish, hush puppies & french fries!
The above photo shows Bubba and Patsy Baker & daughter (from El Campo). Much thanks to them for doing all the cooking (frying fish, hush puppies & french fries, etc) and setting up the food line. The fried catfish was absolutely wonderful!