Chapter members Randy Ratcliff and Joe McCreary gave a presentation onAgent Orange. They presented
very important information about the history of the use of Agent Orange as a defoliant and its'
harmful effects to future generations. Joe gave a very detailed first-hand account of his own experience
with dealing with the VA regarding his Agent Orange claim. Randy presented a short documentary video
which provided detailed information regarding the history of the Agent Orange that was sprayed in Vietnam.
The documentary also explained the reason why the Agent Orange used in Vietnam was so potent - it all
came down to money - that is, how much money could the Agent Orange producers make by speeding up the
Agent Orange production process, which in turn produced a very potent and harmful chemical when exposed
to humans. They also handed out some literature which included a map of the most Agent Orange targeted
areas of Vietnam, a list of all the illnesses that are attributed to Agent Orange exposure and a page
of phone numbers and veteran agencies who can help with Agent Orange claims. IMPORTANT - Note that your
children are also eligible for Agent Orange benefits and so they can turn in claims to the VA if they
have become victim of any of the illnesses related to Agent Orange exposure - this information came out
in the presentation and was a surprise to a lot of us. Use the links below to view or print the Agent
Orange information that Randy and Joe handed out at the meeting.
Page 1 handout - Agent Orange spray map
Page 2 handout - Veteran's Diseases Associated with Agent Orange
Page 3 handout - Disability Compensation for Agent Orange Diseases:
The Chapter would like to thank Randy and Joe for a very informative presentation.